Tracking Your Meditation
Meditation is a workout for the mind. It reduces anxiety, creates mindfulness and helps us respond to things more wisely rather than react blindly. We are more than a head and a body dragging itself behind it, and meditation is a way to get out of our head and into our body!
If meditation is such a good habit for us, why don’t more and more people meditate regularly?
There’s a lot that goes into adding new habits into our lives. It has to be low friction, and we need to be committed to do it consistently.
I think the key to make this a habit is to set a very easy goal. Do you think you can try to practice meditation for one minute a day and be OK with missing a day or two in a week?
Practice one minute meditation daily(ish)
Did you know that the Handstand Quest App can be a very simple and effective way to make sure you are meditating regularly?
Select the Meditation exercise from the exercise catalog.
Then simply press play to start tracking your meditation.
That’s it. To check your daily progress, open the exercise catalog, click “View Details” then “Stats”.
Over time, as you use the app for body and mind exercise, you can check the “Me” / Stats tab, to see distribution of exercise by category.
Distribution of minutes spent by exercise category (for this week)
You can also use the app’s voice features to track your meditation. For example, you could say “count to 90” to do a quick 90 second meditation.
Turn on mic and say “count to x” where is is any number of seconds
Give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments below! If you’re new to the Handstand Quest app, feel free to download it here from your iPhone. We haven’t managed to build the Android version yet, so if you’re interested, join the waitlist and we’ll get in touch with you when it’s ready.